The Earth Is The Lord's
W4 2011-12-22 (林前10)
經文: 哥林多前書 10:1-6 弟兄們,我不願意你們不曉得,我們的祖宗從前都在雲下,都從海中經過,都在雲裡、海裡受洗歸了摩西;並且都吃了一樣的靈食,也都喝了一樣的靈水。所喝的,是出於隨著他們的靈磐石;那磐石就是基督。但他們中間多半是神不喜歡的人,所以在曠野倒斃。這些事都是我們的鑑戒,叫我們不要貪戀惡事,像他們那樣貪戀的。
默想: 保羅想到在出埃及時,摩西與亞倫經過千辛萬苦,才好不容易把至少六十萬以色列男子 (加上婦女小孩,可能達到一百八十萬人之眾) (出12:37) 這些人都跟隨摩西,一起有過寶貴的屬靈經歷。以色列人在過紅海時,像我們受洗一樣,脫離埃及為奴之境,獲得上帝子民的自由。以色列人在曠野流浪時,受到耶和華雲彩的保護與引領,食用耶和華從天而降的靈糧,還有為他們裂開的磐石所流出聖靈活水的滋潤與供應。但是,他們的絕大部份的人仍然深陷於貪戀惡事、跪拜偶像、關係淫亂、試探上帝等惹神忿怒的情況之下,以致於除了約書亞與迦勒這兩位專一跟隨耶和華的人之外,全部倒斃在曠野,無法進入耶和華所應許的迦南美地。保羅相信這些被記載在聖經裡面,是要作為我們的鑑戒與警告。求主保守我,不要依靠自己的屬靈儀式與經歷,而忽略了專心跟隨主、全心敬拜主的操練。
題目: 23-33節中教導基督徒飲食的原則為何?你有何看法與學習?
4 意見:
“I mean his conscience, not yours -- do not eat it. For why should my liberty be determined by another man's scruples?”(1Co 10:29) This verse tells us that never judge others on the ground of so-called “scruple” or “conscience.” As long as one does all to the glory of God, God is pleased.
If we can partake with thankfulness and not seek our own advantage, we can enjoy everything on the earth because the earth is the Lord's. Following this principle, we will not give offense to the Gentiles.
基督徒飲食的原則(林前10: 23~33節):
1) 凡事所行的,乃求他人的益處,為造就他人;不求自己的益處(23~24節)。
2) 凡市上所賣的,筵席中所擺上的,因為這些都屬乎主的,因此,都可吃(25~27節)
3) 但為他人的良心的緣故,不吃獻過祭的物」(28~30節)。
4) 我們或吃或喝,都要為榮耀神和造就人而行。(31~33節)
1) 不吃的原則:
a. 不可在廟中吃――因明知那是祭過偶像之物(19~22節)
b. 不可在人告訴那是祭過的物之後再吃(28~29節)
2) 吃的原則:
a. 凡市上賣的,只管吃,不要問(25節)
b. 凡筵席上擺在面前的,只管吃,不要問(27節) 《哥林多前書註釋 (黃迦勒)》
“I mean his conscience, not yours -- do not eat it. For why should my liberty be determined by another man's scruples?”(1Co 10:29) This verse tells us that never judge others on the ground of so-called “scruple” or “conscience.” As long as one does all to the glory of God, God is pleased.
If we can partake with thankfulness and not seek our own advantage, we can enjoy everything on the earth because the earth is the Lord's. Following this principle, we will not give offense to the Gentiles.