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A Centurion Asked Jesus to Heal His Servant

W2  2011-03-22 (太8)

經文: 馬太福音 8:4 耶穌對他說:「你切不可告訴人,只要去把身體給祭司察看,獻上摩西所吩咐的禮物,對眾人作證據。」

默想: 耶穌對於那位對主耶穌醫治能力有完全信心,只是祈求主耶穌的意願,懇求主耶穌肯醫治他,就得到了主耶穌即刻正面的回應,得到了醫治的恩典。主耶穌不只施恩醫治他,還很細心的吩咐他,不要立刻張揚,要先到祭司那邊取得痊癒證明書,獻上當獻的禮物,然後再讓眾人知道。我想,這位大痲瘋得醫治的人,很可能在得到主耶穌的醫治之後,高興的忘記要先去祭司那裡拿痊癒證明書,就立刻跑回家裡,要向家人分享他已經得到主耶穌醫治的好消息。結果很可能是還沒跑到家裡,他就先被眾人用石頭打死在半路了。因為根據摩西的律法,大痲瘋患者是不可以走進社區的,必須被隔離在外面 (5:2)。感謝主耶穌如此細心的關照這位得醫治的大痲瘋患者。求主也將這樣的細心賞賜給我。

題目: 耶穌對百夫長說:「照你的信心,給你成全了。」(8:13),百夫長的信心是什麼?對你有何提醒與激勵?

3 意見:

Yi-ting 提到...

The centurion had strong confidence in the Lord. He was humble and dare not ask Jesus to go to his place. He thought his servant would be healed merely with an order given from Jesus as the centurion himself exerted authority over his soldiers.

Not even in Israel have Jesus found such faith so the Israelites were exiled to Egypt later and were not able to sit at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. Absolute faith brings about full realization. The centurion inspires us to follow our Lord without worry, hesitation, and condition.

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