One Sower and Four Soils
W2 2011-03-29 (太13)
經文: 馬太福音 13:8-9 又有落在好土裡的,就結實,有一百倍的,有六十倍的,有三十倍的。有耳可聽的,就應當聽!
默想: 主耶穌所說這個撒種的比喻,看來撒種的人有點兒像孔老夫子一樣,有教無類。所撒的種子都是一樣的,但是,由於種子所撒下去的田地土質不相同,而產生不一樣的結果。這是要鼓勵並提醒所有聽道者,要預備好自己的心田,好讓所撒下來的道,可以在心田中生根發芽,結實百倍。這位撒種的農夫,為何在撒種之前,沒有先預備田地呢?為何讓田裡還有石頭與荊棘呢?我們是否在撒種之前,要瞭解一下我們所要撒種的心田中,是否還有會妨礙種子順利成長的石頭與荊棘,是否應該先發工夫,去進行去除石頭與荊棘的福音預工,然後再將種子撒下去呢?
題目: 藏寶與尋珠的比喻(13:44-46)對於你面對現在所看重的事物有何提醒?
3 意見:
The kingdom of heaven is more precious than treasure and the pearl. When we encounter it, we should spare no effort to go for it. It is unwise for those who take highly of treasure and the pearl since they are of little value in the kingdom of heaven. But the premise is that we should be able to distinguish what is precious and what is not just as the angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous (Mt 13:49).
世界所看重和神所看重的不同, 神用重價贖回祂所看重的世人, 蒙恩的人則看重了真理而捨棄世界的一切.