
全新樂活讀經默想 110621

Paul and Silas in Prison

W2  2011-06-21 (徒16)

經文: 使徒行傳 16:3 保羅要帶他同去,只因那些地方的猶太人都知道他父親是希利尼人,就給他行了割禮。

默想: 使徒保羅與巴拿巴,為了外邦人要成為基督徒之前,是否必需先接受割禮這一個議題,不惜專程到耶路撒冷,參加第一次教會大會與來自猶太教背景的基督徒激辯,並且贏得勝利,成功的把割禮排除在成為基督徒的必要條件之外。但是,當保羅遇見不全然是外邦人,而是外邦人與猶太人異教通婚所生下來的混血兒信徒提摩太時,卻為了讓提摩太比較容易在猶太人之間傳福音,而替提摩太行了割禮。在這裡讓我們看見使徒保羅的處世原則,並不僵化成為硬性的規條,而是多方考量所要面對的處境,而做出非常彈性的處置。或許這就是使徒保羅的原則,看來好像是沒有原則的原則。保羅說:我雖是自由的,無人轄管;然而我甘心作了眾人的僕人,為要多得人。向猶太人,我就作猶太人,為要得猶太人;向律法以下的人,我雖不在律法以下,還是作律法以下的人,為要得律法以下的人。向沒有律法的人,我就作沒有律法的人,為要得沒有律法的人;其實我在神面前,不是沒有律法;在基督面前,正在律法之下。向軟弱的人,我就作軟弱的人,為要得軟弱的人。向什麼樣的人,我就作什麼樣的人。無論如何,總要救些人。凡我所行的,都是為福音的緣故,為要與人同得這福音的好處。(林前9:19-23)

題目: v.25-34 禁卒全家得救的過程如何?你有何看法與學習?

4 意見:

Yi-ting 提到...

After the jailer knew his own needs, he risked turning to Paul and Silas, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved”(Ac 16:30). Paul and Silas took advantage of this chance to evangelize the gospel. They preached gospel not only to the jailer but also to his family.

The confidence of Paul and Silas was so huge that their praying and singing hymns freed them from the prison. Our confidence in the Lord can work wonders and introduce the gospel to more people.

Jessica B Chiu 提到...




Anonymous 提到...

But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.
Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and every one's fetters were unfastened.
They witnessed this miracle.
The jailer asked Paul and Silas, “What must I do to be saved?”
And they said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household."

Actually, when we encountered any difficulty, the Lord always goes with us to face it.
I have deeply appreciated from this grace.

卯同學 提到...
