The Council of Jerusalem
經文: 使徒行傳 15:1 有幾個人從猶太下來,教訓弟兄們說:你們若不按摩西的規條受割禮,不能得救。
默想: 這幾個從猶太下來的基督徒,代表著歷世歷代教會一直都存在的保守傳統主義。他們把主耶穌基督的救恩,與猶太教傳統中最寶貴的摩西律法中的割禮,綁在一起。割禮是耶和華與亞伯拉罕立約盟誓的重要標記。這個在猶太教傳統中極為神聖的身體標記,與耶穌基督所帶來的救恩之間,是否有必然的關係呢?根據這些來自猶太基督徒的看法,外邦人要得到耶穌基督的救恩,必需先接受割禮,成為猶太教徒,然後才可以享受救恩。多少時候,我們也將自己認為很寶貴的教會傳統,加入成為蒙恩得救的必要條件。我還記得在恆春基督教醫院服侍時,有一位藥物濫用的青年到醫院來戒藥。當他把藥戒斷了之後,抽煙的習慣還沒有改掉。他表示願意受洗成為基督徒,在同工之間,就引起不小的爭議,是否要等到他也把抽煙的習慣改掉之後,再接受讓他受洗。但願我們在認罪悔改,相信主耶穌成為救主與生命的主宰之外,不要再加上任何其他個人的偏好,成為別人得救的額外條件。
題目: 從耶路撒冷會議中,教會如何面對處理爭議?你有何看法?有何我們學習的地方?
4 意見:
Antioch and the Council of Jerusalem resolved the dispute about how the Gentiles should be converted with reasoning and peace. First of all, they appointed the representatives, Paul and Barnabas, to meet the apostles and elders. Then Paul and Barnabas briefed. James summarized and then made the decision.
Next, the apostles and elders, with the whole church, decided to choose some of their own men and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. A letter was addressed from the Council to Gentile Believers. Those who they chose reported to Antioch the decision.
Leaders with maturity and wisdom should intervene when a sharp dispute like this happens. It has to be dealt with fairness and impartiality. Once a decision is made, everyone needs to abide by. That’s the essence of democracy and togetherness.
“…The Holy Spirit and we have agreed not to put any other burden on the gentiles besides these necessary rules: eat no food that has been offered to idols; eat no blood; eat no animal that has been strangled; and keep yourselves from sexual immorality. You will do well if you take care not to do theses things. With our best wishes.”
The God loves everyone who would believe him, so we could not add any criteria to limit anyone to become a Christian.