
全新樂活讀經默想 110628

 Riot at Jerusalem

W2  2011-06-28 (徒21)

經文: 使徒行傳 21:8 第二天,我們離開那裡,來到該撒利亞,就進了傳福音的腓利家裡,和他同住。他是那七個執事裡的一個。

默想: 起初是由於使徒在照顧孤兒寡婦的事工上面力未能逮,而決定另外推選七位執事,來幫助使徒管理關懷與飯食的事務,好讓使徒能夠專心從事祈禱傳道的事工。我們在這裡看見,腓力是當年七個被推選出來執事中之一位。但是到現在腓力卻被稱為傳福音的腓力。腓力是將福音傳入撒瑪利亞的執事,也是經由他的個人談道,將福音傳給來自非洲衣索匹亞的太監,福音就這樣傳入非洲。在這裡我們看見一個執事的靈命成長,可以從事使徒的工作。求神幫助和平教會每一位執事,都能夠在屬靈生命上面,有充足的成長。

題目: 17-26節,保羅回到耶路撒冷教會作什麼事?長老與同工反應為何?你有何看法

3 意見:

Yi-ting 提到...

There is no suggestion of Christians participating directly in the cult until Ac 21:23-24, 26-27 when Paul and others underwent a purification ritual. Paul followed the Jews’ ritual in pursuit of the peace in the Jerusalem church.

Although Paul had strong faith, he was willing to compromise over unimportant issues. Some churches are divided due to trivial matters. We should be like Paul, who had the backbone at crucial moments to avoid disputes.

Anonymous 提到...

Then Paul answered, "What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."
And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased and said, "The will of the Lord be done."

Paul knew he will be arrested in Jerusalem, but he still went there. Because he though that it is God’s order, he must follow and do it.

yuze 提到...
