Paul With Aquila and Priscilla
W4 2011-06-23 (徒18)
經文: 使徒行傳 18:5-6 西拉和提摩太從馬其頓來的時候,保羅為道迫切,向猶太人證明耶穌是基督。他們既抗拒、毀謗,保羅就抖著衣裳,說:「你們的罪﹝原文作血﹞歸到你們自己頭上,與我無干(原文作我卻乾淨)。從今以後,我要往外邦人那裡去。」
默想: 使徒保羅在大馬色蒙恩得救時,同時也接受上帝的呼召,就是要成為向外邦人傳福音的使徒 (徒13:47, 22:21; 羅11:13, 15:16; 加1:16, 2:8-9)。但是,在這裡我們卻看到,保羅對於在外邦的猶太人,還是很有傳福音的負擔。就像保羅在羅馬書第九章2-3節所說的:我是大有憂愁,心裡時常傷痛;為我弟兄,我骨肉之親,就是自己被咒詛,與基督分離,我也願意。保羅到了歌林多城時,還是優先考慮前往猶太人的會堂傳揚耶穌基督的福音。一直到保羅在猶太會堂中被拒絕與排斥之後,保羅才很生氣的抖衣裳說:從今以後,我要往外邦人那裡去,傳揚耶穌基督的福音。這就好像主耶穌最初的一百二十位在耶路撒冷禱告等候的第一代門徒一樣。他們雖然等到了五旬節,得到了聖靈降臨充滿的經歷,而且傳福音大有功效。但是他們卻一直停留在耶路撒冷,並沒有遵照主耶穌升天以前的吩咐,從耶路撒冷、猶太全地、撒瑪利亞、直到地極,為主作見證。他們一直等到司提反為主成為第一位殉道士,而且整個教會大受逼迫之後,才離開耶路撒冷,四散到猶太全地,以及撒瑪利亞。看來使徒保羅,也有相似的現象。我們自己在傳福音的使命上面,是否有會有相似的躊躇與拖延呢?
題目: v.24-28 亞波羅是誰?他的侍奉態度如何?有何我們學習的地方?
3 意見:
Apollos was instructed in the way of the Lord. A learned man like him devoted himself to teaching about Jesus. He spoke with great fervor, boldness and accuracy.[a] If whoever has such talents doesn’t hide himself/herself from the public, the gospel can be preached more effectively and extensively.
亞波羅,有學問、最能講解聖經。「他在會堂裡放膽講道;百基拉,亞居拉聽見,就接他來,將 神的道給他講解更加詳細。」(18:26)
Apollos had been born in Alexandria and he was an eloquent speaker, well versed in the scriptures.
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and with enthusiasm he proclaimed and taught correctly the facts about Jesus.
When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they explained to him more correctly the way of God. Apollos then decided to go to Achaia. He was great help to those who through God’s grace and had become believers. He powerfully confuted the Jews in public, showing by the scriptures that the Christ was Jesus.
We need someone could remind or correct us about import things timely in our life.