Apostle Peter Baptized Cornelius
W1 2011-06-13 (徒10)
經文: 使徒行傳 10:2 他是個虔誠人,他和全家都敬畏神,多多賙濟百姓,常常禱告神。
默想: 哥尼流是義大利營的百夫長,被派駐守該撒利亞。他雖然是外邦人,卻被描述為虔誠人。他帶領全家都敬畏神,多多賙濟百姓,常常禱告神。從哥尼流的描述,我們看見聖經對於敬虔的看法,包括:常常與神有親近的時間,在禱告中親近上帝,這可以稱為宗教儀式行為。另外敬虔也會反應在他的生活倫理行為上面,會好善樂施,願意幫助有需要欠缺的人。還有一點就是家庭宗教教育的努力與成功,能夠帶領全家成為敬畏上帝的家庭。求主幫助我,能夠學習哥尼流的榜樣,成為一個虔誠人。
題目: 在第十章中,彼得到哥尼流家侍奉,他所需要突破的問題與困難是什麼?這對於我們傳福音與侍奉有何提醒?
4 意見:
“God has shown me that I should not call any man unholy or unclean. That is why I came without even raising any objection when I was sent for” (Ac 10:28-29). Peter was not open-minded enough in the very beginning to spread the gospel to the Gentiles. Yet with the reminder from the Holy Spirit, he was astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles. So there should not be any discrimination against the Gentiles. Gospel is for everybody.
“You know very well that a Jew is not allowed by his religion to visit or associate with Gentiles. But GOD has shown me that I must not consider any person ritually unclean or defiled. And so when you invited me to do something, I came without any objection.”
I hope that if the LORD call me do anything, I can just say”I do”
But He must clearly tell me what to do.
10:14 彼得卻說:主啊,這是不可的!凡俗物和不潔淨的物,我從來沒有吃過。