Barnabas Invited Paul to Antioch
W2 2011-06-14 (徒11)
經文: 使徒行傳 11:9-10 第二次,有聲音從天上說:神所潔淨的,你不可當作俗物。這樣一連三次,就都收回天上去了。
默想: 眾使徒與猶太地的基督徒雖然已經改宗信仰基督教,但是在他們的理念與想法上面,還是保存猶太教數千年的傳統。對他們而言,外邦人是必需先改變成為猶太人,然後才可以受洗成為基督徒。使徒彼得本人似乎也還在猶太人的聖潔傳統文化當中,對於外邦人的習俗,還是帶有排斥拒絕的態度。上帝必需使用一個異象連續三次,再加上哥尼流全家受洗歸主的經驗,來改變彼得根深柢固對於外邦人的歧視與排斥。求主打開我屬靈的眼光,讓我看清楚,在我的理念與思想當中,有那些是真正來自聖經上帝的啟示與教導,那些是來自教會傳統與習慣。求主幫助我,能夠有勇氣與智慧,跳脫傳統的束縛與偏見,學習尊重與接納不同的文化與宗教的表現。
題目: v.19-30 安提阿教會有何特色?有何我們可以學習?
4 意見:
Antioch featured the involvement of the Jews and the Gentiles. In Antioch the disciples were for the first time called Christians (Ac 11:26). Christianity then crosses the boundary of race, culture, and even languages, uniting all the people.
Some believers went to Antioch and proclaimed the message to Gentiles.
It was at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians. Happily, they would also help their fellow believers who lived in Judea.
The church should accept any people who would praise God, and brothers and sisters should be concern with one anther.
11:26 ...門徒稱為基督徒是從安提阿起首。
與主同行的教會, 不會有因人而限定的制度, 反而因著主的同在而有更多自由, 並在宣教和日常生活中都能榮耀主.