The Plague of Darkness
經文: 出埃及記 10:24 法老就召摩西來,說:你們去事奉耶和華;只是你們的羊群牛群要留下;你們的婦人孩子可以和你們同去。
默想: 法老王在耶和華連續施行幾個大災之後,終於同意摩西帶領以色列民,男女老少,都可以一起離開埃及,前往西乃曠野去敬拜事奉耶和華。但是法老王還是捨不下這些以色列人的牛羊牲畜,要求摩西必需將這些牲畜留在埃及。求主幫助我,在順服上帝旨意時,不要像法老王一樣,對於上帝所要求的事情,任意打折或有所保留。求主幫助我,能夠對於上帝的旨意,完全的順服,毫不打折,毫無保留。
題目: 10:7 法老的臣僕對於摩西亞倫警訊預言蝗災的反應為何?法老王如何回應?對於他們的態度你有何看法與感想?
3 意見:
Pharaoh's servants said to him, “how long is this man to be the cause of evil to us? let the men go so that they may give worship to the Lord their God; do you not yet understand that Egypt is ruined?"
Then Pharaoh allowed Israelites to give worship to the Lord; only let their flocks and your herds be kept Egypt.
Sometimes we always bargain with the LORD about His grace. Actually, the LORD totally understands what we need, so we should completely follow His order.
Pharaoh's servants pleaded him to let the Israelites go serve “their” Lord. “Their Lord” shows that they did not recognize the Lord as their God. When Pharaoh heard his servants say that his country was being ruined, his heart slightly softened. Yet he was not a reliable leader in regard of what he said. What he had promised would not necessarily be carried out. Thus, he was to blame for the darkness over the land of Egypt.