經文: 出埃及記 16:21 他們每日早晨,按著各人的飯量收取,日頭一發熱,就消化了。
默想: 以色列人在曠野吃嗎哪,必需每天清晨太陽還沒升起之前,就起床到曠野去收取。太陽一出來,嗎哪就消失了。親愛的主,讓我每天清晨願意起來,親近你,從你領受每一天新的啟示與夠用的恩典。
題目: 為何上帝供應嗎哪要有那些規定?你有學習與感想?
經文: 出埃及記 16:21 他們每日早晨,按著各人的飯量收取,日頭一發熱,就消化了。
默想: 以色列人在曠野吃嗎哪,必需每天清晨太陽還沒升起之前,就起床到曠野去收取。太陽一出來,嗎哪就消失了。親愛的主,讓我每天清晨願意起來,親近你,從你領受每一天新的啟示與夠用的恩典。
題目: 為何上帝供應嗎哪要有那些規定?你有學習與感想?
4 意見:
Manna was given to the Israelites as their food. “Morning by morning they gathered it, each as much as he could eat; but when the sun grew hot, it melted” (Ex 16:21). They were not allowed to leave part of the manna till the next day unless the day of solemn rest was coming.
Manna symbolizes what the Lord offers us in our daily lives. There will be always enough for us to rely on so we don’t need to gather more than we need. Besides, God wants us to take a complete rest on Sabbath. Follow His command, and we won’t be disappointed.
The God give Israelis manna, each as much as they could eat; but when the sun grew hot, it melted.
On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it will be twice as much as they gather daily; but on the seventh day, which is a holy day of rest.
In this way, the God can test them to find out if they will follow His instruction.
The God give us enough food every day, so we need thank the God before eating.
Sunday is a holy day of rest, so we need take a rest and go to worship.
16:35 以色列人吃嗎哪共四十年,直到進了有人居住之地,就是迦南的境界。