Jehovah Descend Upon Mount Sinai
經文: 出埃及記 19:23 摩西對耶和華說:「百姓不能上西乃山,因為你已經囑咐我們說:『要在山的四圍定界限,叫山成聖。』」
默想: 西乃山是以色列人出埃及後在曠野流浪時所走過的許多山中的一座山。西乃山本身與其他的山在本質上並沒有什麼不同。但是。耶和華選擇要降臨在西乃山與以色列人立約,這個決定使西乃山成為聖山。但是,對於以色列人來說,他們無法分辨西乃山與其他山之差異。因此,耶和華吩咐摩西,要在西乃山四圍定下界限,讓以色列人知道在界限裡面的就是聖山。我想,這應該就是所謂的 “分別為聖”吧!親愛的主,求你幫助我,能夠在我的日常生活時空當中,也可以畫出一個區域,分別為聖,好叫我在那裡與神親近。
題目: 19:1-6在西乃曠野,上帝提醒以色列百姓受選召的身份與使命為何?對你有何提醒?
3 意見:
The Lord told the Israelites why there were chosen was because they shall be to Him a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Not because the Israelites had done something significant, they would be trained strictly as a symbol of being blessed shown to the world. Then “nations will come to His light, and kings to the brightness of His dawn” (Isa 60:3).
The LORD did to Egyptians and He carried Israelites as an eagle caries her young on her wings, and brought Israelites to Him.
Mark a boundary around the mountain that the people must not cross, and get ready for worship.
We must make more holy to the LORD in our minds to give up old ourselves and then approach Him.