Moses Hid In The Cleft of A Rock
W3 2011-05-25 (出33)
經文: 出埃及記 33:22 我的榮耀經過的時候,我必將你放在磐石穴中,用我的手遮掩你,等我過去。
默想: 摩西要求見主耶和華的面。耶和華不只答應,還考慮到一個罪人,親眼見到聖潔公義的耶和華的面,所可能立時遭遇上帝公義審判而一命嗚呼哀哉的不幸下場。因此,耶和華特別找到一個有裂開穴洞的大磐石。耶和華要摩西躲在這個磐石穴中,還用手遮掩摩西。等耶和華走過之後,才讓摩西可以從磐石穴中,一窺耶和華的背面與榮耀。這是何等的溫柔與恩典。讓我想起那一首聖詩,替我打破磐石身,讓我躲在你裡面。感謝主耶穌的恩典。
題目: 對於摩西讓上帝求:「好在你眼前蒙恩」(v.13)、「求祢顯出你的榮耀給我看」(v.18),上帝的回應如何?你有何感想與學習?
2 意見:
Moses tells the Lord, “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you” (Ex 33:13). Sometimes working for the Lord is strenuous. Moses needs encouragement and recognition from the Lord. If the Lord’s glory could be shown to Moses, he might have more confidence in carrying out his mission. Yet, not everyone can have the same experience as Moses. That’s why faith counts on the road to sanctification