The Healing at Gate of Beauty
W4 2011-06-02 (徒3)
經文: 使徒行傳 3:25-26 你們是先知的子孫,也承受神與你們祖宗所立的約,就是對亞伯拉罕說:『地上萬族都要因你的後裔得福。』神既興起他的僕人,(或作:兒子),就先差他到你們這裡來,賜福給你們,叫你們各人回轉,離開罪惡。」
默想: 彼得與約翰在聖殿美門附近奉復活的主耶穌的名字,叫一位生來瘸腿的人得到即時完全的醫治。當眾人好奇聚集來看這位得神蹟醫治的癱子時,彼得抓住這個難得的好機會,開了一個臨時的佈道大會。在這當中,彼得將亞伯拉罕蒙耶和華呼召,要讓地上萬民因為亞伯拉罕的後裔蒙福的應許,詮釋為這個應許如今成全在死而復活的主耶穌基督身上。這個祝福是要經由悔改並且相信主耶穌來脫離罪惡的綑綁。求主讓每位和平教會兄姊都能夠領受並且與人分享這樣的祝福。
題目: v.1-10 瘸腿的乞丐如何得醫治?對於我們有何屬靈提醒?
4 意見:
A man lame from birth asked alms of those who entered the temple, but Peter enabled him to walk in the name of Jesus Christ Nazareth. When we are given more than we expect from the Lord, we don’t need to be surprised because He is the one who knows our real needs and will satisfy them.
Peter said, “I have no money at all, but I give you what I have; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I order you to get up and walk!” Then he took him by the right hand and raised him up. At once his feet and ankles became strong; he jumped up, stood on his feet, and started walking around.
And His name, by faith in His name, has made this man strong whom you see and know; and the faith which is through Jesus has given the man this perfect health in the presence of you all.
When we deeply believe God, we will gain the power which goes ahead from Him.
本節聖經曾產生一段出名的故事:羅馬天主教奉彼得為首任教皇,到了十三世紀初業,教皇的權勢達於顛峰。據說著名的神學家多馬亞圭那(Thomas Aquinas,1225~1274)曾到教廷覲見教皇,當時教皇正在數點一筆巨額金錢,就有感而發地對他說:『教會不必再像彼得那般地說“金銀我都沒有”的話了。』亞圭那卻回答說:『當然,可惜教會現在也不能像彼得那樣地說“我奉拿撒勒人耶穌基督的名,叫你起來行走”的話了。』