Encampment Surrounding The Tabernacle
W3 2011-09-07 (民3)
經文: 民數記 3:46 以色列人中頭生的男子比利未人多二百七十三個,必當將他們贖出來。
默想: 耶和華指定由利未支派一個月以上的男丁共有二萬二千人。他們被耶和華揀選,代替以色列頭生男子完全歸屬侍奉耶和華。但是以色列人頭生的男子數目經數點結果的總人數是二萬二千二百七十三名。這些多出來的二百七十三名以色列人頭生男子,必須照聖所的天平,每人獻上贖銀五舍克勒。由此看來,我們的上帝是很精準的上帝。求主幫助我,在服侍上帝時,能夠盡力量做到最精準的程度,好討神的歡喜。
題目: v.11-13、44-45 上帝揀選利未人代替頭生兒子的目的是什麼?你有何看法?
3 意見:
The Levites were set apart after the infamous incident with the golden calf idol that the Israelites made while Moses was away receiving the Ten Commandments from The Lord. The Levites did not take part in the idolatry, and even killed 3,000 of those who were running wild.
Then the Levites were rewarded with the spiritual service lost at that time by the firstborn of the other tribes. The Levites were tested and proved themselves able, thereby earning their elevated spiritual status. God's special relationship with the tribe of Levi is promised to last forever. No other family is allowed to perform the Temple Service.
All of Levites’ first-born sons belong to the Lord, because they are to substitute Israelis to serve Him.
But the numbers of those are over the limit, so people must buy back the extra sons.
This story seemed to tell us every thing need to be appropriate for the Lord.
在出埃及的日子,埃及的頭生的都被擊殺,只有以色列頭生的才被「分別為聖」。民數記3:44-51 告訴我們:頭生的長子是分別為聖獻給神的。作神的奴僕,有利未人代替服事神的便可贖出來,沒有利未人代替服事神的便須以購奴僕的價錢贖出來。神要求人在祂的聖所中事奉,或作祭司,或作其他的工作人員。因此耶和華把長子身分轉授給利未人,這信念所導致的「分別為聖」觀念是指長子在祭儀或在聖殿中的身份,主要是用來事奉神的。就暗示了以色列族中,不再由長子負責保持的家庭式先祖崇拜,而是由「祭司」維持管制的全國性宗教活動(出13:1~3);民數記3:11~13也告訴我們:長子可以從這處境中贖回,按以色列律法的規定,其地位由利未人所取代。祂卻特別揀選利未族,如果頭生的超過利未人,按數目收取贖價,以維持亞倫與他家人的生活。頭生的或以利未人代替,或付以贖金。