
全新樂活讀經默想 110208

Isaac Blessed Jacob

W2  2011-02-08 (創27)

經文: 創世紀 27:2 他說:「我如今老了,不知道哪一天死。

默想: 死亡是每一個人遲早都必需面對的挑戰與命運。但是問題是,沒有人能夠預先知道,自己是會在什麼時候與這個世界永別。以撒在此由於自己已經年老,想到應該處理一些在自己去世之前應該安排的事務。求主幫助我,讓我也能夠面對死亡的事實,並且將自己所應該安排處理的事務都處理妥當。
題目: 雅各二度使詐騙取父親的祝福,在這事件中,你看到有何家庭問題(夫妻、親子、兄弟)?你有看法與提醒?

2 意見:

Yi-ting 提到...

These verses are a reflection to the relationship among family members. First, Rebekah was not obedient to her husband. She knew the one whom Isaac wanted to bless was Esau but she hoaxed his husband since she was in favor of Jacob.

Second, Rebekah didn’t treat her two sons fairly. Her favoring the younger one led to unforgivable sin. Why didn’t Isaac punish Jacob for his taking advantage of his older brother twice? Children expect to receive equal parental love. No wonder Esau felt he didn’t get what he deserved.

Finally, Jacob was wrong, but if Esau’s anger and hatred toward him never ended, there wouldn’t be harmonious relationship in the family. That’s probably why Isaac blessed Esau this way, “… you shall serve your brother; but when you break loose you shall break his yoke from your neck."

Anonymous 提到...
