
全新樂活讀經默想 110218

Death of Rachel

W5  2011-02-18 (創35)

經文: 創世紀 35:4 他們就把外邦人的神像和他們耳朵上的環子交給雅各;雅各都藏在示劍那裡的橡樹底下。

默想: 雅各的家人還是各自有外邦神明的神像,可見雅各的信仰,並沒有辦法帶領全家一起侍奉耶和華。約書亞向以色列人自我告白,至於我和我一家,我們必定侍奉耶和華。求主也將這樣的恩典賞賜給我。
題目: 351-152810-22,雅各兩次在伯特利與神會遇和立約,有何異同之處?你有何學習?

2 意見:

Yi-ting 提到...

God made a covenant with Jacob twice. He all promised to Jacob and his descendants prosperity. Meanwhile, Jacob set up a stone pillar at the place where God had talked with him and poured out a drink offering on it.

What features these two covenants is that in the former one Jacob claimed, “…of all that you give me I will give you a tenth” (Ge 28: 22) and in the latter covenant God gave Jacob a new name—Israel, meaning “May God prevail.”

The new name aimed to remind Jacob of the ups and downs in life. No one can be freed from trials. We suffer, struggle, but God will ultimately prevail.

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