
全新樂活讀經默想 110504

The Heart of Pharaoh was Hardened

W3  2011-05-04 (出11)

經文: 出埃及記 11:1 耶和華對摩西說:「我再使一樣的災殃臨到法老和埃及,然後他必容你們離開這地。他容你們去的時候,總要催逼你們都從這地出去。

默想: 法老王對於耶和華旨意的抗拒,使耶和華決定要讓法老王的心硬。如此,好讓摩西在法老王面前,能夠有機會彰顯出耶和華的權能。對於心硬的法老王而言,一而再、再而三的災禍,不只沒有讓法老王心軟而順服耶和華的旨意,讓以色列人出埃及前往西乃曠野敬拜事奉上帝,反而讓法老王與摩西之間的衝突,更加的惡化。彼此間的敵意也不斷增強。法老王一直堅持到整個埃及地所有人畜的長子都被天使所殺戮之後,才不得不屈服下來。求主保守我,不要落入法老王那樣的心硬情境之中。
題目: 從第七~十一章,記載為使以色列百姓能夠離開埃及為奴苦境,在埃及地連續發生的災害,你有何看法與感想?從摩西亞倫、法老的態度你有何學習?

4 意見:

Anonymous 提到...

Moses and Aaron did all these miracles in front of Pharaoh; and the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he did not let the Israelites go out of his land.

Pharaoh admitted his evil through many disasters and let people of Israel go out of his land finally; Moses always obeyed the LORD to finish what His orders are, even though his confidence was not enough in the beginning. But, he did them finally through the LORD’s help.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the LORD in everything you do, and He will show you the right way.

Yi-ting 提到...

Even though Moses and Aaron did many wonders before Pharaoh, Pharaoh’s heart still hardened. The Lord allows us to act at our will but if we go astray and ignore His warning, He will treat us in a harsh way. On the other hand, Moses and Aaron turned to the Lord for a solution to solve the tough situation. The Lord is pleased to intervene as long as we need a helping hand.

卯同學 提到...



Jessica B Chiu 提到...


