
全新樂活讀經默想 110404

Tax Coin in Fish Mouth

 W1  2011-04-04 (太17)

經文: 馬太福音 17:27 但恐怕觸犯(觸犯:原文作絆倒)他們,你且往海邊去釣魚,把先釣上來的魚拿起來,開了他的口,必得一塊錢,可以拿去給他們,作你我的稅銀。

默想: 這裡讓我們看到主耶穌是那麼貧窮,到連繳交半塊錢的聖殿丁稅都沒有。雖然主耶穌認為他是上帝的兒子,是不必繳交聖殿稅的,但是,收丁稅的人卻不相信。主耶穌願意在非核心爭議議題上面若是能行,盡量與眾人和睦。主耶穌叫彼得去釣魚,在第一條魚的口裡,可以找到一塊錢。如果這是一個神蹟,也是需要彼得的相信與順服,才能夠應驗。求主幫助我,學習盡量與眾人和睦,並且願意順服主的命令。
題目: 171-8中,彼得為何想要搭三座棚子在山上?上帝給予他的回應是什麼?對你有何啟示與提醒?

4 意見:

Jessica B Chiu 提到...


17:4 彼得對耶穌說:「主啊,我們在這裡真好!你若願意,我就在這裡搭三座棚,一座為你,一座為摩西,一座為以利亞。」




Anonymous 提到...

...I thought that Peter love Jesus and the other prophets vey much.
...God responded to him “"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him."
...We must follow the Bible to do everything, and live Jesus’ truth.

卯同學 提到...


Yi-ting 提到...

While Peter is confronted with majestic Christ, he immediately offers to build three tabernacles. After the Exodus, the Mosaic Law details how the Jews were instructed to build the Tabernacle. When Peter suggests building tabernacles, he is alluding to the glory of God. Given Peter’s Jewish background, his suggestion is appropriate.

The events of the Transfiguration occur just six days after Peter’s great confession of Christ. Jesus from that time on begins to explain He must die (Mt 16:21). Peter’s response in the high mountain shows that he is not interested in Jesus’ suffering, not concerned with God’s interests, but man’s (16:23). He merely seeks to replicate what his ancestors have done, to build a dwelling place for God.

The Gospel of the Transfiguration offers us a great hope. We can dwell in the tent of the Lord. He invites us to participate in His Exodus in order that we might be transfigured with him, to have a part in His Resurrection. Thus, the true tent is Jesus himself, the tent of His body.