
全新樂活讀經默想 110407

The Parable of The Vineyard Workers

W4  2011-04-07 (太20)

經文: 馬太福音 20:16 這樣,那在後的,將要在前;在前的,將要在後了。

默想: 在這段經文當中,我們又看到這一批一早就蒙恩召,進入葡萄園工作的工人,對於那些到傍晚收工之前,才進入葡萄園做工的人,竟然也拿到跟他們一樣多的工資時,內心的吃醋與不滿。我們在神的恩典中,也會要求公平的恩典待遇。求主幫助我,能夠珍惜上帝所賞賜的恩典,並且不會計較與比較。求主讓我學會知恩感恩。讓我確認,能夠蒙召服侍上帝,是一生中最大的恩典。
題目: 201-16葡萄園的比喻中,家主對那埋怨的雇工說:「因為我作好人,你就紅了眼嗎?」,在現實生活與信仰中,你曾否有類似「紅眼」的經驗?這比喻對你有何提醒與學習?

5 意見:

Yi-ting 提到...

The parable tells us that what everyone receives will be more than “fair.” No one has the right to question the “generosity” of the Lord. Those who may serve long and hard should not be “envious” if others receive the same reward. Therefore, no one should serve the Lord with a commercial or mercenary spirit.

Though it is hard not to envy others for their “seemingly” greater reward from the Lord, we should keep reminding ourselves to be appreciative of what we have and to love those who are deserted and scorned. After all, it is not about seniority; everyone is equal in the Lord’s eye.

Jessica B Chiu 提到...



20:15 我的東西難道不可隨我的意思用嗎?因為我作好人,你就紅了眼嗎?


Anonymous 提到...

....In unfair world, we must learn what we feel an immense gratitude to each other and then we do not begrudge someone generosity.

semia 提到...

求 神扭轉我內心的眼紅(嫉妒、不平、貪心、自損...),變為讚嘆 神美好的創造與旨意,並看自己合乎中道,感謝 神所賜給我的,讚美、珍惜、不辜負 神的託付。

卯同學 提到...

