The Rich Young Ruler
W3 2011-04-06 (太19)
經文: 馬太福音 19:8 耶穌說:摩西因為你們的心硬,所以許你們休妻,但起初並不是這樣。
默想: 在這裡我們看到主耶穌對於摩西律法的詮釋。摩西所頒布神的律法當中,有一類並不是命令,而是許可。主耶穌說,摩西因為你們心硬,所以許你們。求主幫助我,能夠堅守起初的愛心,不要讓後來婚姻的挫折與失望,而逐漸讓自己的心變硬了,以致於陷入摩西許可的境界。
題目: 19:23-26,你認為為何「財主進天國是難的」?耶穌告訴門徒要如何解決這個問題?你有何學習?
4 意見:
We cannot enter the kingdom of heaven by doing good deeds. Only by keeping the commandments will we have access to it (Mt 19:17), and this can help us accumulate treasure in heaven. Therefore, if those who are rich in the world do not make use of their treasure based on the Lord’s will, it is definiately hard to reach heaven since one cannot love money and the Lord as well.
認清金錢(恩賜)的主人,以神所喜悅的方式來運用;必要放下時,不致抓得太緊以致卡在門上。果然如耶穌所說:「在人這是不能的,在 神凡事都能。」
…It will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, because he would not share what he possesses and gives to the poor.
…We must flow Jesus to help the poor, and then we will accumulate treasure in heaven.