
全新樂活讀經默想 110429

The Frog Plague

W5  2011-04-29 (出8)

經文: 出埃及記 8:1 耶和華吩咐摩西說:「你進去見法老,對他說:『耶和華這樣說:容我的百姓去,好事奉我。

默想: 以色列人下埃及,本來是上帝藉著約瑟,要拯救以色列人免於餓死在饑荒裡面的恩典。那裡知道,這個恩典,卻慢慢變成讓以色列人無法侍奉上帝的綑綁。親愛的主啊!我是否也常常被你所賜我的恩典所綑綁,以致於我無法自由自在的侍奉你?求主幫助我,能夠從這樣的綑綁中得到釋放,好讓我這一生,能夠專一侍奉你。

題目: 法老王面對這些連續的發生的災情有何反應?對於「心裡剛硬」你有看法與提醒?

5 意見:

Yi-ting 提到...

Although seeing how the Lord exerted impact on his land, the Pharaoh’s heart still hardened. Sometimes we are too stubborn to act in the way that God is pleased with because we tend to take the easy road. Moreover, some people stop their ears to the gospel.

Yet, no matter how we devise our strategy, it will be thwarted. However we propose our plan, it will not stand. That’s because God is with us (Isa 8:10).

grace 提到...



Anonymous 提到...

Pharaoh faced these disasters including blood, frogs, grants and
flies, but he was as stubborn as ever. Just as the Lord said, he would
not listen to Moses and Aaron.

Actually, the Lord gave Pharaoh many chances to repent his crime, but
Pharaoh could not keep his promise each time. Sometimes we made a
mistake and would not recognize it. Luckily, the Lord would give us
chances to repent our faults and would be with us to solve the problem.
But you must admit your fault first.


Jessica B Chiu 提到...



卯同學 提到...
