Balaam intended to curse the Israelites but uttered the words of blessings. This was done to teach Balaam a lesson that he was not his own master. No magic could prevail the Supreme Master. He had no choice but utter the words the Almighty had put into his mouth even if they were opposite to what he wished to say.
Did Israel need his blessing? Surely the Almighty was the true source of all blessing and it was He who blessed Israel. Balaam’s words were objectively speaking of no effect. It depended on the Almighty to do good or evil. The power of the Lord was revealed in Balaam’s words (Nu 23:8, 12, 19-23).
3 意見:
Balaam intended to curse the Israelites but uttered the words of blessings. This was done to teach Balaam a lesson that he was not his own master. No magic could prevail the Supreme Master. He had no choice but utter the words the Almighty had put into his mouth even if they were opposite to what he wished to say.
Did Israel need his blessing? Surely the Almighty was the true source of all blessing and it was He who blessed Israel. Balaam’s words were objectively speaking of no effect. It depended on the Almighty to do good or evil. The power of the Lord was revealed in Balaam’s words (Nu 23:8, 12, 19-23).
Lord let curses be changed into blessings.
法術只可以困擾沒有神的人,從巴蘭的口中說出來,“斷沒有法術可以害雅各,也沒有占卜可以害以色列。”(民數記 23:. 23節)他接連的作了兩次,都給上帝擋住了。就是說預言的人雖是邪惡,並帶著不甘心情願的態度來說,但他仍不能阻礙上帝所要宣告的話(民數記 23:. 5節、16節,民數記 24: 2節),聖靈仍然要透過巴蘭的口說出上帝的話來。