
全新樂活讀經默想 111021

The Sower Parable

W5  2011-10-21 (可4)

經文: 馬可福音 4:2 耶穌就用比喻教訓他們許多道理。

默想: 比喻的教學方法是很奇妙的。一個好的比喻可以承載多重的意義與多元詮釋的可能性。如此,聽者可以按照自己的人生經歷與知識程度來瞭解這個比喻。比喻是啟發性的教學。每一位學生必須自己作比喻意含的解讀或詮釋,不能填鴨式的將老師的教導照章全收,死背硬記下來。比喻也可以避免與當權執政者產生不必要的正面衝突。求主教導我,學習好這種巧妙的教學方法。

題目: 10-12節,為什麼耶穌使用比喻對外人講神國的奧秘?誰是「外人」?有何用意?

2 意見:

Yi-ting 提到...

Gospel is there but only those who are interested in exploring what it is can they perceive it. Those on the outside are compared to people who haven’t heard about Gospel. I think God illustrates this with a little bit sigh and grief--If only everyone can turn and be forgiven!

Anonymous 提到...

“You have been given the secret of the Kingdom of God,” Jesus answered. But the others, who are on the outside, hear all things by means of parables.
So that,they may look and look, yet not see; they may listen and listen, yet not understand.
For if they did, they would turn to God, and he would forgive them.”
